Kahlil Henry


Kahlil, who has autism, began to teach himself piano at 14.  He is naturally gifted pianist with perfect pitch, excellent coordination, and remarkable focus, who initially learnt to play songs guided by his ear and using his own original system of music notation.


Here he is at the age of 15 playing the slow movement of Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata.  At the time this was recorded he had being playing for less than two years (this work would not normally be attempted by someone with less than five years of experience).

And here he is just turned 16 singing the first song he has ever fully learned, “On the Street Where You Live.” Although Kahlil has minimal experience as a singer – as a person with autism, the words do not come easily to him, as you can imagine – this is a heartfelt, passionate rendition, showing just how musically diverse a talent he is.